The Family (2024)

The Family

102 minuten 20-04-2024
Bright, alive, humane, humorous—and deeply moving: these are a few words and phrases that leap to mind while viewing Fabien Gorgeart’s beautifully made family drama. Anna (Melanie Thierry at her best) lives with her husband (Lyes Salem), her two young sons, and six-year-old Simon (Gabriel Pavie, amazing), a child placed with them by Childhood Social Services since the age of 18 months. One day, Simon's biological father declares that he intends to regain custody of his son. So begins a rollercoaster ordeal for Anna, Simon, and and the family… What stands out here is that there are no villains in the film—just real people trying to do their best to live and love. And Gorgeart’s visual flair is in perfect synch with the themes and emotions on display. A real gem of a film. ‘Fabien Gorgeart delivers a remarkable, lively, moving, sensitive and highly accurate melodrama on filial feelings and our complex views over what makes a child happy.’—Fabien Lemercier, Cineuropa

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Cast The Family


The Family

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